Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 5: #10 Play around with Image Generators, Discovery Excerise 1

I watched the video for this discovery exercise. It reminded me of the comic books I read when I was a child, but animated. I looked at the image generator resources. The one I liked the most was Avatars. I liked the different options it gave you to create your image. They had a wide variety of features to choose from.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 6: #13 Tagging makes web 2.0 world go round

I created a account and it didn't take that long to set it up. It's great that I can take my favorite websites with me!

Week 6: #13 Tagging makes web 2.0 world go round; Discovery Excersie 3

I explored the differend options and clicked on bookmarks listed under the categories. The bookmarks I clicked on had comments described the features of the website. A couple of them had comments saying they were great sites to use. The tags fit with the subject of the bookmarks.

Week 6: #13 tagging makes web 2.0 world go round; Discovery Exercise 4

I think is great! You can save all of your favorite websites and access them any time, any where. I found websites that I can add to my favorites. This is a really good tool to have for answering research questions. I can really see it being used as a research tool.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 2

Learning new technology is a challenge. I'm ready to learn new things and see what I can achieve. The biggest challenge will be finding time to complete iHCPL. My job responsibilities come first, so iHCPL will be second. I'm excited about completing iHCPL and gaining knowledge of new technologies.

Week 2 Grab yourself a blog

I am a visual learner when it comes to technology. Having a guide on how to complete it is a big help. I can take that information and continue to learn the new technology. After a few times of using the guide, I can go solo. If it is something I don't do or use everyday, I may need to refer to the guide again. The fact that I was able to achieve something new is the best part.